營造缺工學泥作 「抹牆」就練一學期

營造工程大缺工,彰化芳苑國中自辦技藝教育,為學生發展找出路,https://www.call-master.tw,61歲老師傅謝東閔5年多來帶學生實作泥作,國三生光是學「抹牆」就練了一學期;謝東閔說,營造業中的泥作技巧不易被機器取代,世界各地營造業都有需求。 彰化西南角的國中為增加學生技能,讓對升學沒興趣的學生有一技之長,陸續開設符合市場需求的技藝班;大城國中有水電班、萬興國中有塗裝班,芳苑國中泥作班,學生通過測驗後,還能透過專案招生,免試銜接到二林工商的裝潢技術科。 謝東閔19歲就與胞兄投入營建工程,在工地打滾40年,十項全能,左手因職業傷害萌生退意,5年多前到芳苑國中擔任泥作班老師,學校也在「台灣行動菩薩助學協會」協助下搭建泥作實習空間。 謝東閔說,泥作技術需時間累積,過去都直接進到工地由師傅帶入門,但忙於打雜、搬料,很難快速學到技術。 現在缺工嚴重,台中模板工開出1天2800元薪水還找不到人,過去打漿、拌土都需人工,現在輕鬆不少,更講求拿抹刀技術。 傳統工地文化不佳的刻板印象,也讓家長排斥,謝東閔澄清說,現在工地環境講求安全整潔,很多工人不菸、不吃檳榔,芳苑國中許多畢業生在職場已有不錯表現。 泥作班學生林家禾說,家中牆面損壞,會與父親一起抹牆修繕,做有興趣的事就不覺得辛苦;學生林承緯說,不喜歡讀書,能學得一技之長,對未來有幫助

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整修用砂土被浪貓當「貓咪公廁」 泥作師父看到好傻眼

這樣的天然廁所上起來想必又大又舒適!網友姜婷婷的娘家日前進行翻修工程,https://www.call-master.tw,運來一批整修要使用的砂土暫時堆在二樓工地裡,不料一星期後泥作師傅準備施工時,竟然發現沙堆裡有許多不明「結塊」,這才發現被附近浪貓當成「巨大公廁」啦! 檢視相片 網友姜小姐的娘家附近有許多浪貓(圖/網友姜婷婷授權提供) 檢視相片 姜小姐的弟弟平時都會餵養牠們(圖/網友姜婷婷授權提供) 姜小姐表示,娘家附近經常有浪貓出沒,愛貓的弟弟擔心牠們沒飯吃,因此會在防火巷裡固定餵食,目前大約餵養10隻貓咪,每一隻都被弟弟養得頭好壯壯,而且會爬上圍牆休息,雖然很想全部通通帶回家,但是家裡已經滿編沒有空間,因此家人特地請人幫忙TNR這些浪貓,並且為牠們找家。日前家裡因為進行翻修工程,泥作師傅將預用的砂土堆在即將整修的二樓空地,大約一星期後泥作師傅即將施工時,發現這堆砂土裡有大大小小約五、六十堆「不明結塊」,仔細檢查後才發現砂土竟然被這些浪貓當成巨大貓砂盆啦!當下泥作師傅們超級傻眼,因為沒有一次看過這麼多便便,幸好其中一位師父也是專業鏟屎官,他表示這些砂土會用細網仔細篩過後才會使用,當下讓姜小姐覺得太好笑了! 檢視相片 日前娘家整修用的砂土,竟然被浪貓們當成巨大貓盆,裡面有幾十堆「黃金」,讓泥作師傅當場直接傻掉!(圖/網友姜婷婷授權提供) 檢視相片 兇手就是這些「吸收很好」的浪貓們(圖/網友姜婷婷授權提供) 檢視相片 直接把砂土當貓咪公廁使用(圖/網友姜婷婷授權提供) 姜小姐把這個特殊經驗分享在貓咪也瘋狂俱樂部臉書社團後,許多網友笑瘋表示:「你不懂啦,牠們在幫忙試砂土品質」、「加料的更堅固?」、「難道『糞土之牆不可杇』典故是這樣來的?」、「真的要挖糞塗牆了XD」、「這批砂要丟掉,因為酸鹼值已變,建議還是不要用了」、「想知道師傅內心的陰影面積」、「凝結力怎麼這麼好(放錯重點)」、「每隻貓咪都養超好,牠們在暗示順便蓋個貓砂場啦!」、「蓋好後的房子會很有味道」、「這批屎鏟完人都要升天了」、「你的砂就是我的盆」、「蓋起來就是黃金屋囉」,看來這批貓咪伙食真的很好,才能製造出這麼多「黃金」,只能說日後如果有人家裡要整修又同時有貓咪出沒的,請記得先蓋好砂土啊(笑~)!(編輯:陳珮瑜)

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百工師傅作公益 專長修繕惠弱勢

屏東縣政府社會處訪視後轉介的潘姓弱勢民眾房屋修繕案,https://www.call-master.tw,案家列冊低收入戶,居住的房子屋齡老舊簡陋殘破,原有廚房屋頂坍塌,且無衛浴間可使用,生活困苦,經屏東縣政府輔導之百工師傅志工團評估後,自今(109)年1月起陸續由各相關工會進場施工,協助案家拆除鐵皮屋頂及搭建簡易鐵皮工程,屏東縣營造業職業工會也由蔡武雄理事長帶領多位幹部負責泥作工程,並貼上新的磁磚,屏東縣水電裝置業職業工會協助水電管路重新檢整鋪設,屏東縣廚具裝修業職業工會更是提供免費廚具設備及熱水器並協助安裝,業於今(27)日完工,另至安生命服務團隊還贈送免費的冰箱及熱水器,為滿足弱勢案家基本起居需求,各民間團體齊心協力修繕居住空間,也讓潘姓民眾能擁有一個真正的避風港。 屏東縣政府勞動暨青年發展處林德輝處長表示,近年來積極輔導轄內工會參與社會公益活動,特別感謝各工會組成之百工師傅志工團持續參與投入,使民間力量發揮最大效益,嘉惠更多弱勢者,使屏縣處處有溫情。 營造工會蔡武雄理事長表示,希望透過參與活動能有拋磚引玉之效果,帶動更多工會出動志工來參與公益活動,並招募更多志工師傅投身社會服務,讓各界共襄盛舉參與,不僅讓弱勢能夠感受到社會的溫情,也可以把豐沛的民間力量,注入照護社會弱勢的體系。

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公園遊具竟來自水庫淤泥 爛泥華麗變身成

化爛泥為黃金?成大博士生用水庫淤泥做成仿清水模建材,https://www.call-master.tw,以「樂土」品牌打進DIY市場,還跨界推出污泥皮革與公園遊具。他是怎麼辦到的? 喜愛工業風空間DIY裝潢的人,可能對「樂土」這個品牌並不陌生。標榜可以防水、透氣、預防壁癌,並展現出仿清水模效果的創新建材,竟是來自「水庫淤泥」。 水庫淤泥的問題,鮮少被社會所關注。台灣是世界第18位缺水地區,歷年來政府共興建258座水庫來根除台灣缺水問題,卻因為河沙淤積,占據水庫70%的容積,嚴重影響蓄水功能,每年可清出的水庫淤泥多達400萬噸! 水庫淤泥一遇水就會膨脹,很難利用,政府便委託成功大學進行水庫淤泥利用的研究。當時還是成大博士生的郭文毅,研究出「水庫淤泥改質技術」,讓淤泥再生,成為防水透氣塗料。而後創立成大昶閎科技公司,以「樂土」作為品牌名稱,積極推廣淤泥的應用,希望能有效解決水庫淤泥問題。 工法不藏私,公開線上資料庫 從研究生轉為創業家,郭文毅的推廣路走得相當吃力。他原想從建材市場切入,希望能快速、大量地消化掉水庫淤泥,但建商對於新材料的接受度並不高,加上中國大陸能提供更低價的相似材料,讓他屢屢遭到拒絕。 但郭文毅一心想為水庫淤泥找出路,於是他轉向大眾消費市場,雖然用量小,但一點一滴,也能聚沙成塔,消化淤泥。郭文毅研發一系列的DIY防水材料商品、工具包,拍攝教學短片,更自己下海當小編,解答民眾的疑難雜症。這一投入就是10年,逐漸在DIY市場成為第一品牌。 長期在線上與使用者對話,答覆過近千個問題,郭文毅累積出全台獨家的線上資料庫,針對民眾的建物修繕痛點整理出簡單易懂的SOP。這是許多泥作師傅生財的秘訣,郭文毅卻毫不藏私,成立「樂土建築教學醫院」、「樂土山莊」等線上平台,免費讓大眾閱讀學習。前年開始開辦的實體教學課程,連美術老師、科技工程師都報名參加。 郭文毅認為,不要怕競爭,而是要把市場的餅做大,水庫淤泥才有更多出路。多年來,不藏私策略,反而讓他吸引到一群志同道合的泥作師傅們,他們一看到問題,就能精準分析原因,達到更好的成效,生意源源不絕而來。 跨界合作,污泥的文創風 眼前的成果,對郭文毅而言還是不夠,龐大的水庫淤泥需要更大的市場來消化。他注意到,除了居家修繕,更多的DIY族群熱衷於空間裝飾。於是樂土團隊挑選國內優良的防護材料一起搭配,打造出素人皆可上手的裝飾材料包。 例如透過「樂土灰泥」就能輕鬆將木板、矽酸鈣板等各種板材所做的造型,轉化成水泥的質感,建構另一種空間美感。位於台北迪化街的「葉晉發商號-米糧桁」,店門口簡約、光滑、水泥質感的煮飯吧檯,就是利用樂土灰泥進行裝飾的經典作品之一。 除此之外,樂土也與台灣的服飾設計品牌oqLiq(句逗公司)合作,共同開創第二品牌BI-BIRTH水泥實驗室,主打循環材質為設計基礎,研發出淤泥皮革、泥染等,設計出水泥皮鞋、皮夾、裝置藝術品等時尚應用商品,打造出獨步全球的環保水泥皮革文創品牌。 樂土更因此與台南企業、經濟部中小企業處結緣,成為台南在地「機能服飾時尚設計生態系」的企業成員之一,提供設計師一種新的防水材質,具有雨天防水、戲水防濕的效果,攜手40家企業,共同讓廢料再生,創作更多時尚商品。 從兒童出發,扎根環境教育 樂土當初是由成功大學技轉育成中心,而誕生的第一家衍生公司,因此,除了研發創新應用,推廣環境教育也是企業使命之一。郭文毅特別關注從兒童教育開始扎根。 在小學的美術課堂裡,郭文毅化身為「芒果哥哥」教導孩子們認識水庫淤泥的特性,更透過創作,以淤泥打造在地的吉祥物──劍獅,或是製作提袋上的扣件,設計出專屬於自己的包包。

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Instructor of the old priests Training of traditional plasterers

Traditional artisan talents have broken down. https://www.call-master.tw.In order to pass on traditional restoration techniques and cultivate young talents, the Cultural Assets Bureau of the Ministry of Culture opened a "Basic Class for Traditional Artisan (Earth Cement) Talent Cultivation Project" in March. Please come to be 83 years old. Mr. Su Qingliang, the old secretary, instructed not only Tainan's local personnel to take classes, but also students who came from Keelung, Yilan, and Hualien to participate in the arts, as well as national players from last year's international skills competition. The "Traditional Craftsman (Earth Cement) Talent Cultivation Project Basic Class" was commissioned by Shao Qingwang, assistant professor at the National Institute of Museums and Antiquities Maintenance of National Tainan University of the Arts. Yesterday morning, he was at the city's historic monument water trade dormitory under restoration. The group carried out practical operations. Under the guidance of Lao Sifu, the students completed group building in groups, ending a total of 48 subjects and disciplines. The five-hour course was awarded a certificate of completion yesterday by the Minister of Cultural Resources, Shi Guolong. The 30 students participating in the course all have experience in soil cement or related certificates, and conduct "on-the-job training" through the course, which includes common wall construction work of cultural assets, such as Japanese-style wooden folding walls and Japanese-style bamboo clips. Mud walls, buckets, clear water brickwork, earthenware, etc., and experts and scholars teach the ethics of literature restoration from an academic perspective, traditional gray work and material understanding, and Japanese and Chinese styles of earth and cement work. Su Qingliang started to use soil cement for repairs at the age of fifteen, and learned in class. He said that whether it is stone masonry, bucket masonry, or earthenware, every step must be paid attention to, and must not be careless. Father and son file Qi Xueyi technology to a higher level The trainees had three pairs of father and son. Although Zheng Xizhen, who had travelled south of Yilan, had bricklaying, whitewashing class B certification and traditional craftsman certification, he brought his son Zheng Ziqiang, who had a tile certification photo, to class; Liu Conglian and Liu Fuhong from Tainan. The father and son filed with a master and relatives who worked together, and a team of five people participated in it. Chen Weizhen, who represented Taiwan in the international skill contest last year, and Guan Xuanming, who engaged in the restoration of historic sites, also signed up for classes. The trainees said that it is rare to have an experienced old secretary I taught it completely from the beginning, and gained a complete understanding of the soil and other related practices.

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Qian Renhao is very happy to make art and create a comfortable life

Director Qian Renhao has a very individual idea. His home is like a movie scene, https://www.call-master.tw,with a rough taste and handmade feel everywhere. When Qian Renhao was decorating the home, he saved the soil material and applied it to the cement wall of the home. It was also an industrial house with special furniture and furnishings. Qian Renhao's personality and aesthetic design were different. Because I have a good impression of Le Tu, when Qian Renhao planned to open an old European furniture store on Wenchang Street, he thought of using Le Tu materials, but unfortunately, he did not match it with the "Comfortable Living Truffles Living" composite furniture restaurant It's already opened, and the whole store is really filled with special style and taste. Qian Renhao supports mud work to improve engineering art However, Qian Renhao still hoped that there would be a space for the show in the store, so he talked with Dr. Guo Wenyi and the chief of strategy Zhuang Hansong. Guo Wenyi said that in addition to making the silt of the reservoir into a new building and repairing materials, the team at Leto also hopes to upgrade Taiwan's traditional mud craftsmanship to the level of fashion and artistry, and seeks young mud masters who are willing to improve themselves. I have 3 young masters in their 30s, who keep practicing constantly. Qian Renhao is quite supportive of such a concept, and generously provides a venue for the mud master to fully exert his hard-working skills. Most of the wall decoration materials in Taiwan are imported from Europe, the United States, and Japan, and because of construction technology and quality control problems, they are mostly made by agents and workers, and the price is not close to the people. In order to expand the scope of reservoir silt reuse, the Lotto team is determined to develop Taiwan's "national version" of economical wall decoration materials. The goal is that no special work classes are required. As long as there is creativity, everyone can do it. In addition, for the high temperature and humid environment in Taiwan, the design of the material is based on the cement material, which can make the wall decoration materials more breathable. Aesthetic level. Heroes deserve heroes, from left to right Ah Yin, Ah Hong, Zhuang Hansong, strategy director, A Wei, and Qian Renhao. (Comfortable life fan page provided) Heroes deserve heroes, from left to right: A Xian Shi, A Hong Shi, Zhuang Hansong Strategy Chief, A Wei Shi, and Qian Renhao. (Provided by Comfort Life Fan Page) Letu team pushes mud creation to develop wall decoration art However, the clay work in Taiwan has always been considered as a basic work and not on the table. In major building materials exhibitions, domestic manufacturers will only invite foreign masters to demonstrate, but domestic masters are not able to show their skills. The LeTu team hopes that the creation of Taiwan clay works can be seen internationally and attracts three like-minded masters. A Hong, Axian and Awei are all young masters from the clay work family. They have a deep foundation for clay work and have high requirements on themselves. high. Among them, Mr. A Hong is a master of tiling, Mr. A Xian is a top-ranking powder light artist, and Mr. A Wei is an expert in repairing and waterproofing. Three of them use their spare time to "comfortably live", and show the art of cement powder light and the light of stucco plaster. Coating and other techniques. Interested friends are welcome to "comfortable life" to see the creation of Daren.

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Studying mud for flipping fate Higher vocational students become female apprentices

Changhua County's Erlin Industrial and Commercial Center is located in the southwest corner of Changhua. https://www.call-master.tw.There are many disadvantaged students. The school offers practical skills classes to allow students to learn a skill. Among them, decoration technology, students learn mud, lacquer and woodworking. , The school cooperates with the industry to provide students with internships inside and outside the school. At present, it has helped half of the students in this year's graduating class to find internship opportunities for 16 people, and they have the opportunity to work early to make money. Huang Chenyu, director of the Erlin Business and Industrial Construction Department, said that in the past, most of the professional courses in mud and lacquer in architecture were apprentices who followed the master's studies. Due to physical exertion and technical faults, the school opened the decoration technology department 4 years ago. Students not only studied architecture Theory and interior design, mud work, lacquer work and other "rough work" must be done. Practical skills classes have an internship time of 80%. Huang Chenxun pointed out that teachers have relatively heavy class hours, and because the school is remote, it is not easy to hire teachers. It is still difficult to promote industry and school. On-site internships, but inadequate work results in the construction company sending people to re-process, which consumes manpower and waste material transportation costs. Both teachers and students are under pressure. Students will take the initiative to practice before going to the internship at the site. We can clean tools by the side. Zheng Yuzhu, the principal of Erlin Industry and Commerce pointed out that in recent years, the school has cooperated with Guanye Enterprise and the Taiwan Fireproof Green Building Materials Decoration Society. The industry provides opportunities for internships and guidance for students. Hong Yikai, a second-year student of Erlin Industrial and Commercial Decoration Technology Department, recently went to the construction site for an internship. He said that the cement is a strong alkali. If it is continued for a few days, rashes will appear. You can only wear gloves. He pointed out that after the internship, it was found that the construction site was also required to be clean and tidy. After the work, he was required to change into clean clothes before leaving, and it is not always necessary to have bad habits such as eating betel nut, smoking and drinking after working on the construction site. Hong Yuting, a second-year student, is one of the few female students who practice in mud. She thinks that she can be competent and competent, but she also finds that the girls at the construction site have a heavy physical burden. There is a fine division of labor in the area. Wiping the walls, sticking tiles, repairing the seams, etc. each has its own skills. Simply priming the walls, the quality of the walls will be very different. In order to allow students to gain external affirmation and increase self-confidence, the works of teachers and students of Architecture, Decoration Technology, and Interior Design were exhibited at the Erlin Town Library this month. Students Lin Minghao, Zhou Yanxun, and others will damage the vermiculite seats in the school. The design and maintenance are completely renewed, and the coasters are also made of cement and tiles to give creative ideas to the traditional technology.

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Ministry of Transport: Accurately and Promote Resumption of Highway Waterway Project

People's Daily Online, Beijing, March 10 (Feng Li) The Ministry of Transport issued a notice on the official website on the 9th about the quality and safety of the resumption of highway water transport projects during the period of epidemic prevention and control. https://www.call-master.tw. The notice stated that under the premise of prevention and control of the epidemic situation, the resumption of highway water transport projects was started accurately and steadily, and the quality and safety bottom line was firmly maintained, general accidents were effectively reduced, and serious and serious quality and safety accidents were strictly prevented. Effectively strengthen the quality and safety guarantee of resumption ——Do a good job in guaranteeing policies and measures. Local transportation authorities at all levels should investigate the situation of resumption projects in their jurisdictions, comprehensively study the quality and safety risks brought by the epidemic, analyze the risk factors, predict the degree of risk, and formulate prevention and control measures. Guide relevant units to implement measures related to quality and safety such as construction period guarantee, cost compensation, etc., and implement precise policies according to the risk level of the epidemic. Strengthen coordination and cooperation with relevant departments, optimize quality and safety supervision procedures for resumption, and improve supervision efficiency. ——Good construction organization guarantee. Supervise engineering project units to consider factors such as resumed construction materials, personnel, equipment, and epidemic prevention, accurately grasp the characteristics of project quality and safety, and the characteristics of hidden dangers during the construction phase of the project, adjust the construction organization in a timely manner, and be scientific under the premise of strict prevention and control of epidemic conditions and quality and safety Orderly return to work started. -Do a good job in protecting employees. Supervise and guide the employment units to fully grasp the personnel dynamics, and the key technical personnel must be accurate in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and under the premise of strict prevention and control of the epidemic, organize the personnel to return to their posts in an orderly manner. Due to the prevention and control of the epidemic, the management technicians cannot arrive at the post in time, shall formulate a temporary post plan, do a good job review, and temporarily adjust to other qualified personnel. The review of the qualification certificates of the main responsible persons of construction enterprises and safety production management personnel who are about to expire can be appropriately simplified to ensure that personnel perform their duties on the job. —— Do a good job in ensuring safe production conditions. Local transportation authorities at all levels should increase the inspection of work safety conditions for resumption projects, and urge construction, supervision, and construction units to implement relevant safeguard measures for work safety conditions. Organize safety risk identification and hidden danger investigation to ensure adequate preparations for resumption of work, complete preventive measures, and thorough investigation and management of hidden dangers. Effectively strengthen quality and safety supervision of resumption ——Strengthening project quality control. Compact the primary responsibility of the construction unit and the main responsibility of the construction enterprise, strictly implement the construction quality control procedures, and effectively implement the materials and equipment entry checkpoints, process quality acceptance checkpoints, and project quality evaluation checkpoints to ensure that the quality standards are not reduced. Give full play to the guarantee function of the test and inspection, strictly follow the rules, the data is true and reliable, and the information is complete. Seriously investigate and punish violations of laws and regulations such as non-design, non-plan construction, cutting corners, and data falsification. — Strengthening construction safety supervision. Consolidate the corporate responsibility, strengthen the management of special construction plans, ensure the quality of plan preparation, strictly review and review procedures, and effectively guide project construction. Strengthen the management of production safety funds, strictly extract the proportion, improve the management system, and make special funds available. Supervise practitioners to provide technical and management personnel with construction experience and professional capabilities that match the scale and technical difficulty of the project according to safety and technical characteristics; enhance the pertinence of safety education, pre-job training, and safety technology disclosure for returning workers. Continue to promote the normalization of the construction of a “safe construction site”. -Strictly investigate and deal with the "red line problem". In accordance with the special action requirements of "Standing on the Red Line of Quality and Safety of Highway and Water Transport Projects", formulate plans, establish ledger accounts, strengthen rectification, and dynamically clear. It is necessary to strengthen the inspection and management of safety hazards in key parts such as high pier pylons, bad geological tunnels, high slopes of roads, deep foundation pits, waterfront operations, caissons, ship lock rooms, and engineering cofferdams. Comprehensively investigate the problems and hidden dangers of design check calculations, installation locations, installation forms, maintenance and replacement, and working environment of key parts of temporary structures. ——Strengthen the safety management of tunnel construction. Strengthen the advance geological forecast and monitoring measurement management of tunnel construction, strictly plan approval, and pay close attention to the implementation of the plan. According to the design and construction plan, strictly control the excavation, initial support, and second lining construction steps, and strengthen the safety management of pyrotechnic products. Strengthen data analysis and judgment, make full use of monitoring results to guide construction, effectively prevent and control safety risks, and strictly prevent accidents such as collapse, gas explosion (outstanding), gunpowder explosion, and mud gushing water. ——Strengthen the safety management of special equipment. Supervise the construction unit to use qualified bridge erecting machines, gantry cranes and other special equipment, and establish safety technical files such as equipment and operators; hire qualified units to install and dismantle the equipment, and strictly inspect and accept the equipment according to regulations. Supervise construction units, manufacturers, and supervision units to strictly perform joint acceptance of non-standard special equipment such as hanging baskets and climbing molds. It is strictly forbidden to enter the site with untested special equipment, non-standard special equipment without joint acceptance, or equipment that fails inspection and acceptance. ——Strengthen site construction safety protection. Supervise the construction unit to provide safety protective equipment, set up safe operating platforms, and set up safety protection facilities in accordance with regulations. Unprotected operations are strictly prohibited. Strictly investigate violations and risk-taking operations, and resolutely put an end to the "three violations" phenomenon. Strictly carry out epidemic prevention and control and emergency work ——Conscientiously implement the requirements for epidemic prevention and control. In accordance with the local epidemic prevention and control requirements, we must strictly implement the responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, improve epidemic prevention and control measures and inspection and reporting systems, incorporate epidemic prevention and control work into daily management, and strictly prevent epidemic occurrence. ——Implement emergency work measures such as early warning plans. It is necessary to strengthen the collection, analysis, and prediction of epidemic, hydrological, meteorological, and geological information, and to issue early warning information in a timely manner. Supervise the working units to improve the emergency management system, strengthen the duty of work safety and information reporting, strengthen the management and implementation of emergency plans, and ensure that emergency rescue is timely and effective.

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Masonry and tiling of old houses

After experiencing the vicissitudes of the old house, at the moment of refurbishment,https://www.call-master.tw, in addition to changes in layout, style replacement, furnishings, and other external designs, if you want to be once and for all, you don't need to worry about the future. "The most important thing is actually the foundation project." As long as a good foundation is laid, the opportunity for secondary repairs can be eliminated. Let's follow the steps of Zhang Xin's design team and explore the mystery of the old house renovation! Do you know that the floor is divided into soft bottom construction and hard bottom construction? ►Soft bottom construction Mix the cement powder, sand, and water to the required high-adhesive layer at a specific ratio. Before the sand layer is dry, pour the cement mortar and paste the floor tiles, and wait for the water and gas to completely spit out, then fill it with cracks to protect it. ► Hard bottom construction Also use cement powder, sand, and water to the perfect ratio, and use the grouting method to fill out the required high-adhesive layers. After waiting for hardening, you can add a waterproof layer to protect the floor tiles. Akai designer suggested that this method of application can be used in bathroom space. Compared with soft bottom construction, hard bottom construction is more resistant to water and moisture, and it can also reduce the risk of tile bursting. What should I do if the tiling meets the corner? When pasting tiles, you usually encounter an elevation angle of 90 degrees. At this time, what methods can be used to close them? In the past, a 45-degree back cut method or a stainless steel edge strip was used. At present, some specific tiles on the market will be attached with a special edge strip. In addition, recently, a new method is called "stone filling beauty" , This method will make the closing line more neat and less prone to seepage problems!

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The salary of the construction mud master was revealed, and he won a lot of regular jobs.

The domestic education system is not conducive to the development of traditional master-student talents.https://www.call-master.tw. The construction industry's mud work and hydropower masters have a fault. The Secretary-General of Taiwan Action Bodhisattva Student Association You Jinzhou, the chairman of Guanye Enterprise Co., Ltd., and the company ’s hydropower owner Yang Leqi jointly cultivated Favorite students, in the past seven years, cultivated seven mud job workers, monthly salary of more than 50,000 yuan, some home economic improvement, and some earn the first bucket of life. Trainee Hong Weilong worked as a porter for 2 years after graduating from Intermediate High School, and then applied for the mud school of Fangyuan Intermediate School to learn craftsmanship. Today, he followed Ko Ye to battle various construction sites. His monthly salary has already broken 50,000, more than double the porter's salary. His impression is "Originally," earth water "can also be respected." Hot room this month! Shuangbei Shanping↘ 500,000 Nei ☠ Be careful of the pattern trap! Don't buy a beautiful rotten house OMG Beishi this one was asked to join the team to join the pre-emptive view of the company's chairman Ke Yi (left) and Lianye Hydropower owner Yang Le Pray (right) hand in hand to train students from rural areas to become mud and hydropower professionals. Reporter Zhao Rongxuan / Photographer You Jinzhou, Secretary-General of Taiwan Action Bodhisattva Student Association and General Manager of Panxing Construction said that the mud works and hydropower projects of the Panxing Building Integration Team were completed by this group of teachers and young masters. Helping the students in the hometown to have a skill and indirectly solve the problem of manpower faults in the construction industry. The average age of the mud and water and electricity masters in the construction industry is nearly 60 years old. Although the salary is rich and the income is more than 50,000 yuan, the site environment is sweltering and dusty, and the work is boring and hard. The location is not fixed, and young people are reluctant to invest in moving with the construction case and even working across counties and cities. The construction site lacks a master-level staff member. The Association praised Huafangyuan Elementary School's mudwork class 7 years ago. The owner of the mud-professional company Guan Ke, driving a 100-kilometre car from Taichung to Fangyuan back and forth every Wednesday, served as the mudworker. Train new blood. Ke Yan said that he went to the countryside to cultivate his children from the countryside. He saw that the children in the countryside did not feel dirty and shout hard. He was very diligent in wiping the wall, and he was very moved. He often inspired them to "wipe every day. Kung fu is yours. Do n’t be afraid of no head. ” He also asked the students to be punctual, well-groomed, not chewing betel nut, drinking, smoking, finishing the site after work, changing clothes before start

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